BEGEERTE (n. f.)



1 sources
1 quotations


Zo stapt den Jongeling, door een geestigen aart aangedreeven bly en luchtig, en van trap tot trap, tot de zichtbaarheeden der natuur, ende heldre bespiegelingen, daar hy zijn natuurlijke neiging toe voelt trekken, terwyl hy bevind dat Natuur en Kunst, hem beide beginnen toe te lacchen, en aan te dryven, tot hoe langs hoe grooter zaaken, daar hy door begeerte en iever toe aangelokt werd.

[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] As such the young man, driven by a spirited nature, moves happily and loosely from step to step, towards the visibilities of nature and clear reflections, to which he feels his natural inclination drawn, while he feels that Nature and Art both start to smile at him, and push him towards the more the greater things to which he is seduced by desire and diligence.

term translated by LUST
term translated by /

Conceptual field(s)

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