LEDEN (n. n.)



1 sources
1 quotations


Hier toe moet hy oock weten wat schoone ofte mismaeckte leden zijn, ’t geen uyt d’aenmerckingh van de schoonheden inde antique statuen geobserveert, kan geschickt worden. Wat dat bevalligheyt, grootsheyt en welstant aen een Beelt te wege brenght, ende voorts de mogelijcke buygingen, uyterste vermogen ende gebruyck van alle de leden en gewrichten met goede reden verstaen. Voeghter by dat hy oock kennisse behoorde te hebben door wat trecken, teyckens, ende opsichten men alle de passien en tochtige genegentheden van ’s Menschen herte, na de bysondere ontmoetinghe ende voorval kan uytdrucken

[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] For this we should also know which are beautiful or deformed members, which can be sorted out from the observation of the beauties in the antique statues. Understand with good reason what the gracefulness, magnificence and harmony gives to a Figure, and furthermore the possible bends, the uttermost capacity and use of all members and joints. It can be added that he should also have knowledge by means of which lines, signs and views one can express all the passions and emotional inclinations of a Human heart after the specific encounter and occasion;

Conceptual field(s)

L’HISTOIRE ET LA FIGURE → figure et corps