PLAT (adj.)
Men heeft oock doorgaens gemerckt dat die Natien welcke geen ghemeene ommeganck met andere Volcken en hebben willen houden, noch hare wetenschappen aen de Werelt bekent maken, oock veele konsten hebben moeten derven, daer in sy andersins lichtelijck hadden konnen uytmunten. Dese mis-slach is oock t’allen tijden onder de Sinesen oorsaeck geweest datse tot op desen dag, de voornaemste gronden van de Teycken en Schilder-Konst niet en verstaen: niet tegen-staende sy in ’t gemeyn een seer groote lust ende genegenheyt daer toe hebben, gelijck die oock sterck onder hen geoeffent wert, maer en konnen (hoe gaeuwe Geesten sy zijn) teghen die van Europa niet op; d’oorsaeck daer van is eensdeels, om datse haer niet en verstaen op de schaduwen en daghen, noch oock en hebbense geen kennis, om uyt de simpele verwen allerhande levendige Coloriten te temperen, waerom hare Schilderyen seer bleeck, plat ende doots komen te vertoonen, niet teghenstaende by haer de schoonste Verwen van de Wereldt gevonden worden.
[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] It has also been noted that those Nations which do not have or aspire to a regular interaction with other Peoples, nor make their sciences known to the World, will also have missed out on many arts, in which they would otherwise have excelled. This flaw has always been the cause amongst the Chinese why – up to this day – they do not understand the main principles of the Art of Drawing and Painting: while they commonly have a great desire and affection for it, as it was well-practiced amongst them, but they cannot compete with Europe (no matter how bright Minds they are); the reason for this is on the one hand, because they do not understand it in relation to the shadows and lights, nor do they possess the knowledge to blend all sorts of lively colorations from simple colors, which makes their Paintings appear very pale, flat and lifeless, even though the most beautiful colors of the World are found with them.
École chinoise
Conceptual field(s)
[Judicio:] Wie zal zeggen dat de Konstwerken der Chineezen, die tot heeden noch zonder Schaduw is, volmaakt zyn? ’t Is waar haar Ommetrekken zyn wel suiver en Korrekt na haar meening; maar des niet teegenstaande alles schynt plat, gelyk het ook is. En al praktiseeren zy noch duizend Jaaren, zo zullen zy ’t zonder Schaduwe niet goet maaken.
[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] [Judicio:] Who will say that the art works of the Chinese that are up until today without shadow, are perfect? It is true that their contours are pure and correct to their opinion; but nonetheless everything appears to be flat, which indeed it is. And even if they practice for another thousand years, they will never make it right without shadow.
École chinoise