A Lead colour.
In the Belgicke Loot-verbe, Gallice coleur de plomb. Ital. color piombo, color livide, Hispan, color catdenno, O color de plomo […], Latinè lividus of livor, which is taken for envy, because this colour is most of all ascribed to envious persons, […].
Conceptual field(s)
SECT. VII. Of Compounded Colours.
Of the six simple Colours before named, [ndr : White, Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, voir p. 86], together with the Browns, many others may be compounded for Faces of all Complexions, Garments, Lanskips, Building ; for Birds, Fishes, Beasts, and what not : I will shew how to compound some, and by those you may by practice find out and invent infinite more. I shall instance in these following, As,
A Violet. / A Lead-colour. / Flame-colour. / Scarlet.
Light-green. / Purple. / A Bay-colour. / A Murry. [...] Lead-colour.
Indico and White make a Lead-colour.