[…] he [ndr : Ludovicus Demontiosius ou Jean de Monjosieu] labours to convince us in the Truth of, he distinguishes all the Colours in a Picture in reference to the different Modification of Light upon Bodies, into three Sorts, or rather Degrees, Light, Splendor and Shadow ; in the Light the Colour is Deluted, in the Shadow Saturated, and in the Splendor only the Species of the Colour is truly discern’d ; this Splendor he calls also the Tone, carrying so near an Analogy with the Sence of it in Musick, where it comprehends the Phthonge, the Intervals, the Place of the Voice, and the Tenor ; all which he applies to the Meaning of this Splendor, or Tone in Painting : To these three foregoing Degrees of Colour, he adds a fourth Thing incident, call’d the Harmoge, which is the Commixture, or the curious and insensible Transition of the three Degrees of Colours ; and this, in the Opinion of our Author, is the Interpretation of the famous Contest about the Scissure and Intersection of Lines ; of which, when Apelles had given a Specimen, and Protogenes had seem it, Artem agnovit sed negligentiam Artificis notavit, and therefore took another Pencil, and what was left somewhat too hard and unpleasant in the Union of the Colours, he corrected and made more tender, ‘till Apelles again returning by the Interposition of another Colour, gave it such a Finishing, as left no Place for any further Attempt.