Work of Art
TIZIANO (Tiziano Vecellio), Sainte Marguerite, v. 1560, huile sur toile, 198 x 176, Kreuzlingen, Collection Heinz Kisters, Collection particulière.
Invention is the Manner of Expressing that Fable and Story which the Painter has chosen for the Subject of his Piece ; and may principally be divided into Order and Decorum. [...] The second part of Invention is Decorum ; that is, that there be nothing Absurd nor Discordant in the Piece : and in this part, the Lombard Painters are very faulty ; taking Liberties that move one almost to Laughter ; Witness Titian himself, who Drew Saint Margaret a Stride upon the Dragon : and most of the Lombard Painters are subject to a certain Absurdity of Anachronisaie’s Drawing. For Example, our Saviour upon the Cross, and Saint Francis and Saint Benedict looking on, though they did not live till eight hundred Years after our Saviour’s Passion. All Indecencies are likewise to be avoided : and Michael Angelo doth justly deserve to be Censured, in his great Picture of the Day of Judgment, for having exposed to view in the Church it self, the secret parts of Men and Women, and made Figures among the Blessed that kiss one another most tenderly. Raphael on the contrary, was so great an Observer of Decorum, that though his Subject led him to any Liberties of that kind, he would find a way to keep to the Rules of Modesty ; and indeed, he seems to have been Inspired for the Heads of his Madonna’s and Saints, it being impossible to imagine more Noble Physionomies than he gives them ; and withal, an Air of Pudour and Sanctity that strikes the Spectator with Respect.
Invention is the Manner of Expressing that Fable and Story which the Painter has chosen for the Subject of his Piece ; and may principally be divided into Order and Decorum. [...] The second part of Invention is Decorum ; that is, that there be nothing Absurd nor Discordant in the Piece : and in this part, the Lombard Painters are very faulty ; taking Liberties that move one almost to Laughter ; Witness Titian himself, who Drew Saint Margaret a Stride upon the Dragon : and most of the Lombard Painters are subject to a certain Absurdity of Anachronisaie’s Drawing. For Example, our Saviour upon the Cross, and Saint Francis and Saint Benedict looking on, though they did not live till eight hundred Years after our Saviour’s Passion. All Indecencies are likewise to be avoided : and Michael Angelo doth justly deserve to be Censured, in his great Picture of the Day of Judgment, for having exposed to view in the Church it self, the secret parts of Men and Women, and made Figures among the Blessed that kiss one another most tenderly. Raphael on the contrary, was so great an Observer of Decorum, that though his Subject led him to any Liberties of that kind, he would find a way to keep to the Rules of Modesty ; and indeed, he seems to have been Inspired for the Heads of his Madonna’s and Saints, it being impossible to imagine more Noble Physionomies than he gives them ; and withal, an Air of Pudour and Sanctity that strikes the Spectator with Respect.