Work of Art
VORSTERMAN, Lucas, Descente de la croix d'après Rubens, v. 1620, 58,5 x 42,5, Paris, Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Paris, GDUT8226.
Estampe d'interprétation.
Sometimes one Mass of Light is upon a dark Ground, and then the Extremities of the Light must not be too near the edges of the Picture, and its greatest Strength must be towards the Centre ; […].
I have a Painting of the Holy Family by Rubens of this Structure ; where, because the Mass of Light in one part would else have gone off too abruptly, and have made a less pleasing Figure, he has set the Foot of S. Elizabeth on a little Stool ; here the Light catches, and spreads the Mass so as to have the desired effect. Such another Artifice Rafaëlle has used in a Madonna, […] ; He has brought in a kind of an Ornament to a Chair for no other end (that I can imagine) but to form the Mass agreeably.
Sometimes one Mass of Light is upon a dark Ground, and then the Extremities of the Light must not be too near the edges of the Picture, and its greatest Strength must be towards the Centre ; […].
I have a Painting of the Holy Family by Rubens of this Structure ; where, because the Mass of Light in one part would else have gone off too abruptly, and have made a less pleasing Figure, he has set the Foot of S. Elizabeth on a little Stool ; here the Light catches, and spreads the Mass so as to have the desired effect. Such another Artifice Rafaëlle has used in a Madonna, […] ; He has brought in a kind of an Ornament to a Chair for no other end (that I can imagine) but to form the Mass agreeably.