GOEREE, Willem, The art of Limning; In the which the True Grounds and Perfect Use of Water-Colours with All their Proprieties, are Clearly and Perfectly Taught; Formerly set out by that excellent Limner Mr. Gerhard of Brugge, And now much Augmented and Amended, with some Observations touching (besides the Illumination) the Colouring and Painting with Water-Colours, for the Profit of the Lovers of Art. By W.G. And now truly Translated from Dutch into English by J.L. Published by Robert Pricke, trad. par J.L., London, Robert Pricke, 1674.
Wit. {1. Loot-wit. 2. Schelp-wit. 3. Schelp-silver.}
Blaeuw. {4. Indigo. 5. Blauw Lack. 6. Blaeuw As. 7. Smalt. 8. Oltermarijn. 9. Lackmoes.}
Geel. {10. Ligte Schijtgeel. 11. Bruyne schijt Geel van verscheyde soorten. 12. Masticot. 13. Geel Oprement. 14. Saffraen. 15. Geel-Besien. 16. Geel Oocker. 17. Guttegom. 18. Rustgeel. 19. Schulp Gout.}
Groen. {20. Spaens groen. 21. Sap groen. 22. Bergh groen. 23. Groene Aerd of Terreverde.}
Root. {24. Fermilioen. 25. Meny. 26. Root Krijt. 27. Roon Oocker of Bruyn root. 28. Lack. 29. Brezilje verf.}
Bruyn. {30. Bruyn Oocker. 31. Bitter, of Root uyt de Schoorsteen. 32. Keulse aerde.}
Swart. {33. Lamp-swart. 34. Been-swart. 35. Wijngaert-swart. 36. Smee-Kool-swart. 37. Oostindische Inct.}
De andere Coleuren nu die in de Verlichterie souden mogen dienen, konnen alle uyt dese boven-genoemde Verwen, door vermengingh getempert en gevonden werden;
Verlichterie-Kunde. Het achtste Capittel. Vande Swarte Verwen, haer Bereydingh, Temperantie ende gebruyck. Lamp-Swart, p. 28