SLAAFS (adj.)
Die gene daer-en-tegen, die andere navolgen ende blijven navolgen, zijn even als die, welcke langs de grondt blijven kruypen, ende uyt vreese van te vallen niet op haer eyghen beenen derven staen, veel min haer selven aenporren om het gene daer andere nalatigh in zijn geweest, te verbeteren, ofte yets toe te voegen. Vande sulcke seght Davincy datse geen Echte Soonen, maer alleen Neven van de Konst en mogen genoemt werden. {Wat Davincy seyde vande gene die nalatigh in de verbeteringh van haer doen waren.} Waerom oock Iunius seght dat sulcke navolgingh een slaefse Imitatie is, den aenkomelingen meer schadelijck dan profijtelijck;
[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] Those, on the other hand, who imitate others and keep on imitating, are like those who keep on crawling close to the ground, and do not dare to stand on their own feet out of a fear to fall, even less push themselves to improve that where others have been negligent, or to add something. About such [artists] Da Vinci says that they are no real Sons, but may only be called Cousins of Art. {What Da Vinci said of those who were negligent in improving their action.} Why Junius also says that such imitation is a slavish imitation, more harmful than profitable for beginners;