ABOUT this Time the Italians were again beholden to the Greeks in the Communication of another Sort of Picture call’d Mosaick Work ; […]. It is, indeed, an ART, we may look upon, as in some Sense, subordinate to PAINTING, with an Emulation to imitate it in all the Variety of Design, Figures, Colours, Lights, and Shades, but with Materials, not only of a wonderful Beauty, but of a much more permanent and enduring Nature, such as Shells, Gold, Glass, Pebbles, Ivory, and Pieces of variegated Marbles, which, with a mighty Industry and Curiosity, were all Cut, Form’d, Tinctur’d Anneal’d, Enammel’d, Gilt, Glaz’d, or Burnish’d, and, by a wonderful Application, fitted to compose the Figures of Birds, Beasts, Flowers and Men ; and, in short, to represent almost any Thing that PAINTING itself could pretent to ; and of this for Instance among many others, that might be produc’d, St. Marks’s Church at Venice, particularly remains to this Day as a glorious Example.
École grecque
École italienne