The Secondary Light [ndr : est de trois sortes : Direct, Reflected et Refracted] is that which is caus’d not by Direct Beams but Reflected, though Direct from the Primary Light : which is the first Species of the second Division of Light, and is brighter according to the Thickness of the Body it meeteth with, but strikes only on the Superficies direct opposite to it.
The Reflected Light is that which ariseth from the endind of the Direct, it Lightneth all the Bodys on which it fals, cheifly the hinder parts of such Bodys as are Lightned before, by the Direct Beams.
The Refracted Light is that (which the Philosophers say) is ingendred by the Direct Light, as it fals on Christals, Armour, Water and such shining Things as are apt to Ingender the same : and is nothing but the breaking of the Direct Light upon these Bodys, which it causeth round about in every place, as may be seen in clear water towards the bottom, as likewise on the Superficies next the Eye.