ZUCCARO, Federico ( 1539-1609 )

ISNI:0000000120295561 Getty:500020194


Plusieurs (b) peintres se sont laissés emporter à leur propre génie ; ils n’ont suivi que leur caprice sans consulter le naturel, & les proportions des figures antiques, les autres se sont contentés d’imiter les habiles gens, qui avoient avant eux examiné ces chef-d’œuvres.
(b) Josepin, Cangiage, les deux Zucchero.


Plusieurs (b) peintres se sont laissés emporter à leur propre génie ; ils n’ont suivi que leur caprice sans consulter le naturel, & les proportions des figures antiques, les autres se sont contentés d’imiter les habiles gens, qui avoient avant eux examiné ces chef-d’œuvres.
(b) Josepin, Cangiage, les deux Zucchero.


There are Pictures representing not one particular Story, but the History of Philosophy, of Poetry, of Divinity, the Redemption of Mankind, and the like : Such is the School of Athens, the Parnassus, the Picture in the Vatican commonly call’d the Dispute of the Sacrament, all of Rafaelle ; and the large one of Frederico Zuccaro of the Annunciation, and God the Father, with a Heaven, the Prophets, &c. Such Compositions as These being of a different nature are not subject to the same Rules with Common Historical Pictures ; but Here must be Principal, and Subordonate Figures, and Actions ; As the Plato and Aristotle in the School of Athens, the Apollo in the Parnassus, &c.
Now I have mention’d this Design, I cannot pass it over without going a little out of my way to observe some Particulars of that Admirable Group of the three Poets,
Homer, Virgil, and Dante ; […].
The Figure of
Homer is an admirably one, and manag’d with great propriety ; He is Group’d with others, but is nevertheless alone :


There are Pictures representing not one particular Story, but the History of Philosophy, of Poetry, of Divinity, the Redemption of Mankind, and the like : Such is the School of Athens, the Parnassus, the Picture in the Vatican commonly call’d the Dispute of the Sacrament, all of Rafaelle ; and the large one of Frederico Zuccaro of the Annunciation, and God the Father, with a Heaven, the Prophets, &c. Such Compositions as These being of a different nature are not subject to the same Rules with Common Historical Pictures ; but Here must be Principal, and Subordonate Figures, and Actions ; As the Plato and Aristotle in the School of Athens, the Apollo in the Parnassus, &c.
Now I have mention’d this Design, I cannot pass it over without going a little out of my way to observe some Particulars of that Admirable Group of the three Poets,
Homer, Virgil, and Dante ; […].
The Figure of
Homer is an admirably one, and manag’d with great propriety ; He is Group’d with others, but is nevertheless alone :


Plusieurs (b) peintres se sont laissés emporter à leur propre génie ; ils n’ont suivi que leur caprice sans consulter le naturel, & les proportions des figures antiques, les autres se sont contentés d’imiter les habiles gens, qui avoient avant eux examiné ces chef-d’œuvres.
(b) Josepin, Cangiage, les deux Zucchero.