VAN DE VELDE, Willem le Jeune ( 1633-1707 )
The Masters to be studied for Composition are Rafaëlle, Rubens and Rembrandt most especially, tho’ many others are worthy notice, and to be carefully consider’d ; amongst which V. Velde ought not to be forgottten, who tho’ his Subjects were Ships, which consisting of so many little parts, are very difficult to fling into great Masses, has done it, by the help of spread Sails, Smoak, and the Bodies of the Vessels, and a judicious Management of Lights and Shadows. So that His Compositions are many times as good as those of any Master.
The Masters to be studied for Composition are Rafaëlle, Rubens and Rembrandt most especially, tho’ many others are worthy notice, and to be carefully consider’d ; amongst which V. Velde ought not to be forgottten, who tho’ his Subjects were Ships, which consisting of so many little parts, are very difficult to fling into great Masses, has done it, by the help of spread Sails, Smoak, and the Bodies of the Vessels, and a judicious Management of Lights and Shadows. So that His Compositions are many times as good as those of any Master.