Appelles added the last Perfection [ndr : à la peinture] by the help of Geometry and Arithmetick ; without which, as his Master Pamphilus would say, no Man could prove a Painter ; and Bernard Lovinus would say, a Painter without Perspective was like a Doctor without Grammer.
And indeed it is a Compound of many Arts ; as Geomitry, Architecture, Arithmetick, Perspective, &c. for a Painter cannot perform without Lines, Superficies, Profunditys, Thickness and Geometricall Figures.
Nor can Churches, Pallaces, Amphiteaters, Bridges, Ports and other Buildings be Represented without Skill in Architecture.
Nor without Arithmetick can he Understand the Proportion of Mans Body, to take it in any fise ; or the Proportion of other Things either Artificiall or Naturall.