ANTIQUITÄT (deu.) · ANTIQUITÉ (fra.) · OUDHEID (nld.)
ANTIQUE (fra.)
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1 sources
1 quotations


Chap. XII, Of Antiquities
Out of the Treasury and Storehouse of venerable Antiquities, I have selected these three sorts.
Statues, Inscriptions, and Coynes ; desiring you to take a short view of them, ere you proceed any further.
The pleasure of them is best known to such as have seen them abroad in
France, Spain, and Italy […]. And indeed, the possession of such Rarities, by reason of their dead costliness, doth properly belong to Princes, or rather to princely minds. […]. Sure I am, that he that will travel, most both heed them, and understand them, if he desire to be though ingenious, and to be welcome to the owners. For next men and manners, there is nothing fairly more delightful, nothing worthier observation, than these Copies, and memorials of men, and matters of elder times ; whose lively presence is able to perswade a man, that he now seeth two thousand years ago. Such as are skilded in them, are by the Italians termed Virtuosi, as if others that either neglect or despise them, were idiots, or rake-hels. And to say truth, they are somewhat to be excused, if they have all Leefhebbers (as the Dutch call them) in so high estimatiion, for they themselves are so great lovers of them (& similis simili gaudet) that they purchase them at any rate, and lay up mighty treasures of money in them.

Conceptual field(s)

SPECTATEUR → connaissance