CRAYON (fra.) · CRYON (nld.) · KRIJT (nld.) · WIT KRIJT (nld.)
CRYON (nld.)



2 sources
3 quotations


Of Pastills, or Croyons.
{Pastills for Croyons. To make them} The
Pastill for Croyon, or dry colour : take three ounces of Lint-seed oyle, […].

To work in Croyons or Pastills,
I observe three manner of wayes.
{I. With Powders.} The
first and worst, is that of Monsieur de Mousters of Paris, whose custome is to rub-in several Colours, […] upon the paper, which commonly is the whitest ; […].
{2. Pastills.} The 
second is with Pastills the length of a finger or thereabout, composed of severall Colours, mixt and ground together, of a good consistence and stiffnesse, and so rouled up and laid to dry. […].
{3. Colour'd paper.} The last and best (as I conceive) is to Colour the paper, whereon you intend to draw the 
Picture, with Carnation or flesh Colour, neer the Person’s Complexion you mean to draw. Cover the whole paper (for some complexion) with Ceruse, Mene, and a little yellow-Oaker, ground with Gum ; […].
For tempering so many Pastills for change of Colours in the Face.
I shall onely direct in one COLOUR, for example of all the other.
{Brown Complexion.} For a
Brown Complexion.


Conceptual field(s)



The manner of making Pastils or Cryons, with the several ways of Using them.

I have observed in Dry Colours, or
Cryons, that they are wrought in several manners or ways : The first is that of Valyant, whose manner is to place several small Heaps of Colours in Powder upon White Paper, of several Temperatures, according to the Object he draws after, whether the Life or Painting. His Out-lines being first drawn, he makes use of several Rolls of White Paper, very hard and close rolled up, about the length of a Pencil stick used in Limning, […]. And some of the French Masters have a manner which differs but in two things from the former, instead of Rolls of Paper they make use of Stubbed Pencils ; and some of them are stuffed with Cotton, and some others with Bombast : And instead of placing the Colours on Paper, they put them in small Boxes of Fur. […]

École française
VAILLANT, Wallerand

dry colour · pastel

Conceptual field(s)

MATERIALITE DE L’ŒUVRE → technique de la peinture
MATERIALITE DE L’ŒUVRE → technique du dessin


The manner of Laying the Ground Flesh-colour for a Face to be wrought upon with Cryons.

The best way is to colour the Paper that you intend to Draw on with a Carnatian or Flesh-colour, near the Complexion on the Party you intend to draw after ; […]. And because many times the Pastils will not sharpen to so good a point as Black or Red Chalk, you must be extremely careful to close and finish all your Work at last with Red and Black Chalk, which you may sharpen at your pleasure. I shall not need to insist upon particulars of this manner of Drawing, but if you please to take a view of that Book of Pictures, which are all drawn by the Life, by the Incomparable Hand of Hans Holbean, […] you will find something in those Ruines an Admirable Hand and Rare Manner of Working ; who with few Lines and little Labour expressed the Life so Extraordinarily well, that by many they are esteemed not much Inferiour to his Admirable Works in Oyl.

Conceptual field(s)

MATERIALITE DE L’ŒUVRE → technique du dessin
MATERIALITE DE L’ŒUVRE → technique de la peinture