1 sources
1 quotations


The same Liberty of heightning a Story [ndr : que dans le carton de Raphaël représentant Jésus donnant les clés à saint Pierre] is very commonly taken in Pictures of the Crucifixion ; the Blessed Virgin is represented as Swooning away at the Sight, and S. John, and the Women with great propriety dividing their Concern between the two Objets of it, which makes a fine Scene, and a considerable Improvement ; and probably was the Truth, though the History says no such thing.
An Improvement much of the same Nature is the Angels that are frequently introduced in a Nativity, or on other Occasions, the noble, though not rich Habit of the Virgin, and the like, though perhaps not altogether in the same Degree of Probability.

La traduction du terme Improvement n'est pas littérale dans l'édition française de 1728. Le traducteur choisit en effet le terme Grâce, puis celui d'Invention. Dans le premier cas, l'insistance est mise sur la dimension esthétique, ce qui apparaît moins évident dans le texte anglais.

Conceptual field(s)

L’HISTOIRE ET LA FIGURE → sujet et choix